  • How can I apply for samples?
    Answer: You can submit an application through our official website, and your account manager will follow up on your request.
  • If I can't find the product I need, can I still purchase it through SEESUO?
    Answer: Of course, many of our products are not listed on the website. You can contact our customer service team or your account manager to confirm.
  • Will SEESUO's quotation expire?
    Answer: The quotation is valid for 15 days. If it exceeds the expiration date, you need to confirm with your account manager if there are any changes.
  • How can I confirm the compatibility of a product?
    Answer: All products provided by SEESUO undergo comprehensive testing before shipping. For compatibility of optical modules, you can visit our optical module testing to see how we perform compatibility testing. If you have any other questions, you can ask for assistance in customer support.
  • How can I apply for samples?
    Answer: You can submit an application through the sample request form on our official website, and your account manager will follow up on your request.
  • Does SEESUO provide neutral packaging? How can I apply for it?
    Yes, SEESUO provides neutral packaging services. If you need neutral packaging, please indicate it in the order notes when placing your order. If you also need neutral labels (e.g., for optical modules and cable markers), custom fees will be charged (e.g., for custom module labels).
  • Can I request custom services?

    Answer: Yes, we offer various custom services:

    1. Customized products: You can customize products through the product details page (click "Customize"). For products that are not listed on the website, please contact your account manager and provide product specifications, quantities, etc. for confirmation.

    2. Customized labels: If you want to customize labels, including special serial numbers, model names, label logos, etc., please contact your account manager. For optical modules, you can click here to customize.

    3. Customized solutions: Please click on Solution Design to submit your solution requirements, and your account manager will contact you within 1 business day.

    For any other custom requests, please contact your account manager.

After Sales
  • What types of solutions do you support?
    Answer: SEESUO can provide various solutions, such as OTN solutions, PON solutions, data center solutions, enterprise network solutions, integrated cabling solutions, campus network solutions, etc. You can submit a solution application through solution design.
  • Do you provide spare parts services?

    SEESUO can provide spare parts services to ensure the smooth operation of your network and business. Specifically:

    1. Spare parts may be new or equivalent in performance and reliability to new ones.
    2. After-sales spare parts: You can keep the spare parts without payment before obtaining replacement or repair parts.
    3. Application method: You can contact your account manager, who will contact you and confirm the order for spare parts within 1 working day.
  • Do you provide repair services?
    Answer: We provide free repair services during the product warranty period. If the warranty period has expired, we can still repair it for you, but we will charge a fee based on the specific situation. Please refer to the warranty policy.